Alfriston WI
The Alfriston Women's Institute has played an important role in village life since 1918.
There is an entertaining programme of speakers and 'hands-on' craft demonstrations and occasional outings to local places of interest.
We are a friendly group who always welcome new members – you do not have to make jam and there's rarely any singing.
We usually meet on the third Tuesday of the month 2-4 p.m. in the Memorial Hall from January to December (no meeting in August).
For full details, see:
our Alfriston WI Village Noticeboard (next to the Village Shop)
our Facebook page www.facebook.com/AlfristonWI.
If you would like to join us why not come along to an initial meeting and let us welcome you? Contact Gill Chopra (Secretary) at gill.chopra@uwclub.net or 01323 870488. If you are shy one of us can accompany you.