Past news - 2023

Parish Council Queen’s Green Canopy fundraising
It was agreed at the Parish Council meeting on Monday 16th January 2023 that Alfriston Parish Council would lead on the fundraising for the planting of trees in the village for the Queen’s Green Canopy.
Last year, ahead of the Platinum Jubilee celebrations, the late Queen proposed that the celebration of this important milestone of her 70 years on the throne might be marked by communities and individuals planting plenty of new trees and making woodland
improvements in support of the countryside and to help slow down the rate of climate change, under the banner heading of "The Queen's Green Canopy". It has been proposed that 7 trees are planted around the village in various locations, for each decade of The Queen's Reign.
Further information can be found on www.queensgreencanopy.org
£1500 needs to be raised in total to cover the costs of the proposed 7 trees and the planting of them. If less is raised, trees will still be planted but not the full 7. Councillors agreed to get the ball rolling by Alfriston Parish Council donating £150 to the fund.
The trees need to be planted and mapped by the end of March 2023 so it is asked that all donations are received by Monday 20th February 2023, so a plan can be confirmed and a planting date arranged at the APC meeting held that evening.
Any donations will be gratefully received. Please contact the Clerk in the first instance, using the contact details below, for details of how to donate, and so a record can be made for audit purposes.
Please see the Parish Council website for contact details
Prescription delivery service
Due to the latest lockdown, the prescription delivery service will be increased to three times a week as from Monday, 9th November.
These will be on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
The number is 0333 772 1698.
Please call before the day you require medication collected and up until 8.30 am on the day needed. Arrangements can be made for any URGENT prescriptions required on non delivery days
Alfriston Parish Council - Housing Needs Survey
In November 2020 every household in the parish will be receiving a housing need survey; this is a short questionnaire designed to assess the nature and scale of housing needs within the parish. This survey is being carried out by Action in Rural Sussex, a Lewes based charity working to address issues affecting rural communities, in partnership with the Alfriston Community Land Trust and the Parish Council.
In most rural areas there is chronic shortage of affordable homes available which results in many young people and families having to move away from their roots and support networks to find affordable accommodation. This creates problems in terms of community cohesion as key services and facilities struggle to survive whilst family networks are broken up and the loss of intergenerational support that this entails; an issue for older people and younger families alike.
If you or anyone you know is in need of affordable housing, or has some other housing need, please complete and return the survey. If you know of someone who is currently living elsewhere who is in housing need but who has a local connection to Alfriston then this survey is also for them as they may also be eligible for any housing that may be provided in the future.
Community led housing involves local people playing a leading and lasting role in solving housing problems, creating genuinely affordable homes and strong communities. Community Land Trusts (CLTs) are one form of community led housing, where communities come together to deliver new or refurbish existing housing to meet local needs.
CLTs are set up and run by local people to develop and manage homes and other assets that their community wants and needs. Typically this relates to local needs affordable housing but can include a range of other community assets from pubs and post offices to nursery’s and renewable energy projects. CLTs are defined in Section 79 of the 2008 Housing and Regeneration Act.
Alfriston Community Land Trust was formed by local people in 2017 as a Community Benefit Society whose core aim is the provision of genuinely affordable housing for local people in perpetuity. If you would like to know more about the CLT or to get involved in its activities then please get in touch with Penny Macleod at alfristoncltgroup@gmail.com / Alfriston CLT Facebook group. Or Polly Eason (CLH Enabler) polly.eason@ruralsussex.org.uk
For more information on the survey or about community led housing generally please contact Graham Maunders 07824 900092 / graham.maunders@ruralsussex.org.uk
Cuckmere Churches and Community Support Network
If you or someone you know is self-isolating or unwell with Corona Virus we are willing to help. This leaflet has been delivered under the auspices of assisting those who are vulnerable or anyone who is in need.
Telephone Cuckmere Churches
Kelly 07903 687705
Stephen 07811 647452
email cuckmerechurches@gmail.com
Community Support Network helpline
please click here for contact details
We can help in various ways including:
Delivery of food and provisions
Collection of prescriptions
Other needs considered on request
Churches are closed at present but Daily Prayers continue to be said for the community. If you have any prayer requests please email or ‘phone us using the contacts provided. A weekly talk and prayers are available to view on the church website. www.cuckmerechurches.org.uk
Solar Together Sussex - ended
January 01, 2020
Register your interest by 6th October 2020
Wealden District Council is working in partnership with local authorities across Sussex on this innovative new scheme offering high-quality solar photovoltaic (PV) panels and battery storage to help deliver our shared vision of carbon net-zero. Solar Together Sussex is a group-buying scheme, which brings households together to get high-quality solar panels at a competitive price
For those already with a solar panel installation please note that this scheme also applies to separate battery storage too
More details are available to download here and go here to register interest www.solartogether.co.uk/wealden/home
Water works COMPLETED (ahead of schedule)
April 30, 2020
The works are now complete
Water works (final) phase 4 section, Weavers Lane to The Tye (access road)
April 02, 2020
This phase is now due to start on Monday 14th April. Here is the official letter (edited to correct for latest update on dates):
New water main installation in High Street, Alfriston – Weavers Lane.
As you may be aware, we are undertaking works to replace 600 metres of old pipework through Alfriston ... we will be closing the road from just south of The Tye to the junction between Weavers Lane, High Street and Whiteway ...
This will mean that there will be no access to Alfriston from Seaford ...
We expect the works to take around three to four weeks to complete, however we will look to complete this work as quickly as possible.
Access to The Tye will be maintained but the direction may change depending on the position of the works.
Who can I contact if I have any queries about these works? To register for free text or email updates about work in your area, visit inyourarea.digdat.co.uk/southeastwater. For more information and to keep up to date on the progress of the works visit: corporate.southeastwater.co.uk/alfriston
We have a dedicated Customer Services Manager, Steve Anthony, who will be contactable at all times on 07926 535414 to respond to questions and issues.
On behalf of South East Water, I thank you in advance for your patience and co-operation during these improvement works.

Water works - village square finished
March 16, 2020
The complex triangle of pipe-works in the village square is now complete and work has moved along to Star Lane through to Weavers Lane.

Water works - carpark entrance widened
February 03, 2020
Works to widen the eastern (bottom) entrance to The Dene carpark and make it two-way are complete. They have also completed the works in the section of North St between the entrance to The Willows carpark and this new entrance to The Dene carpark.
This means that both carparks are now fully accessible from the Drusillas road (from the A27) - hopefully a permanent improvement that means it is no longer necessary to drive through the village square to get to the top entrance to The Dene carpark.
They have also made the top entrance two-way but not widened it, with signage giving priority to traffic coming into the carpark.
This means it is easier than ever to drive over, park and have a leisurely stroll around the village.

Water works - finishing North St
January 24, 2020
Hot tar meets bucket of water and an already misty morning turns almost Victorian.
This week the trench has been filled and the road surface re-instated. Vehicles can get up North St. but there's only the dead end of the works in the square to get to.
Advance notice of Alfriston water work
October 29, 2019
South East Water is planning to install a new water main in the High Street and North Street in Alfriston.
This work will start in January and will involve the closure of the village centre to through traffic for approximately five months.
Access to homes, shops and businesses will be maintained but a diversion will be in place for through traffic.
If you would like further details, please contact South East Water
The project team from South East Water is partnering with contractor Clancy Docwra.