What's gone -2019
A record of past events
Faustus Autumn 2019 Tour
playing at
The Old Chapel Alfriston
Saturday 26th October
Playing music for our times, Faustus take traditional English music, rip it up, put it together again and move it on. A vigorous rhythmic impetus and rock/prog rock influence propels the sound into the here and now and a range of instruments deployed in unconventional ways gives a unique texture, depth and variety to the band’s sound.
‘Faustus somehow manage to make folk sound traditional and cutting edge at the same time. It’s a good trick to pull off and a thrilling show for the spectator.’ (English Dance and Song)

(photo credit Richard Gearey)
Saturday 26 October The Old Chapel Alfriston 7.30pm

Friday 22nd September. 5pm for 5:30pm start
The second launch of the book Glory from Defeat: Our Second Dunkirk will take place at The Alfriston War Memorial Hall
This story reveals dramatic events that took place nine days after Dunkirk - when 20,000 British soldiers were still in France - and three months after D-Day, when Veules les Roses, with which Alfriston is twinned, was the last coastal town in Normandy to be liberated. While this history is covered so too are the commemorative events that the two communities celebrated that culminated in a message of good will from Her Majesty The Queen and an endorsement by Dame Vera Lynn.
A copy of the book will be included: there will be a short presentation and afterwards a glass of wine to toast the courage of both the soldiers and the Sussex boatmen on that day.
Early booking essential. Tickets (£15 individual/£20 duo):
enquiry email: gloryfromdefeat@gmail.com we will then forward bank transfer details
telephone the author June Goodfield and leave a message 01323 870073
direct purchase at The Shot Coffee House, the Gun Room, Alfriston BN26 5TL 01323 368011

The True History
of the
Tulip Wars in Europe
A Horticultural Society talk
by Lesley Chamberlain
Thursday 3rd October 7.30pm at Alfriston War Memorial Hall, about welcome. Members free. Non members £3. Refreshments available.
From sheep to knitting wool
A talk by guest speakers Peter and Carol Goodman
Visitors welcome - donations appreciated

6 days of music with internationally renowned artists spanning the genres of classical, folk and jazz
For details of their comprehensive programme of concerts and to book tickets, please see http://www.southdownssummermusic.co.uk/concerts-2019

Alfriston Womens Institute
Sussex Suffragettes
Tuesday 16th April 2019 - 2pm - The Old Chapel Centre
Learn more about the women who changed our lives with our guest speaker this month, local historian Kevin Gordon who will be telling us about “Sussex Suffragettes”.
Why not join us? You will be made very welcome. A small donation is appreciated.