What's gone -2018
A record of past events

Sunday 7th October, 10:30am - 4:30pm
Help us celebrate our beautiful orchard with apple pressing and tasting, apple folklore and games.
Free event but normal admission fees do apply.
Alfriston and Cuckmere Historical Society
Sussex - the Armistice and Beyond

100 years ago the country was approaching the Armistice when, after four years of War, the guns finally fell silent.
Local historian Kevin Gordon will talk about the impact of the War following the Armistice and the years afterwards.
Thursday 18th October 2018 at 7.30pm
This meeting will be held at DEANS PLACE HOTEL
Admission is free to members and £5 for guests and non-members.
There will be an interval during the evening for refreshments.
The next Historical Society event will be
15th November: Speaker David Rudling speaking about the History of Money.

Follers Manor
National Garden Scheme
Fundraising Open Days
"We are opening our garden again this year on the 1st and 2nd of September for the Alfriston and Cuckmere Valley Responders and the Children's Cancer Fund Polegate under the umbrella of the National Garden Scheme (NGS)"
For full details see the main
Follers Manor page
and their website
and the NGS website
Summer Festival
August Bank Holiday
Alfriston on the Tye
For full details see the main Alfriston Summer Festival page
Family Fun Run
in aid of the pre-school
Saturday 15th September
"Starting from the Tye in Alfriston, with 1k, 5k and 10k options… good to run off those summer BBQ calories…
1k for the little kids / dads in charge etc… It will be around the brooks opposite the Tye.
5k route is along the river towards the White horse.
10k route is in the same direction, then back through Friston Forest."
More info and online signup here
Medals for everyone, tea / beer optional!

Cuckmere Valley Horticultural Society
Annual Show
Alfriston War Memorial Hall
Saturday 4th August 1 – 5pm
Sunday 5th August 11 – 4:30pm

Horticultural Society Floral Arrangements
Thursday 12th July 2pm - 4pm
Old Chapel Centre
Join us in creating floral arrangements while enjoying the company of friends. Please bring an assortment of flowers & foliage, secateurs / scissors plus any suitable container and a large plastic sack to clear debris! Refreshments available
For more information contact
Roxchel 01323 894151
Horticultural Society Early Summer Show
Saturday 9th June 2018 1pm to 5pm
War Memorial Hall
Come and enjoy a wonderful display of local produce & flowers. Refreshments available

Down on the allotments ...
Saturday 5th May 2018
10 - 12 noon
The Cuckmere Valley Horticultural Society are having a
Bring along any flower or vegetable seedlings and plants and swap for something else !
Everyone is welcome
Manors, meanders and majesty
Wednesday 9th May 2018
10.30 am - 12.30 pm
What brought Edith Swanneck, the Prince of Wales (later George IV) and Dirk Bogarde to the Cuckmere Valley? This, and much, much more will be revealed during a National Trust-led, circular riverside walk from Alfriston Clergy House: taking in Deans Place, Frog Firle Manor, Clapham House, St Michael the Archangel and Lullington Court. 2 hours, 2.5 miles, easy level terrain, stiles and gates, adults £4, children £3. Meet on the Tye in front of St Andrew's church. Well behaved dogs welcome. Booking required. Please call 01323 871961.